I was browsing Deviantart and I saw this link! I hope stardock read this and does something asap!
Just another day at DA
I've requested this be 'sorted' by our friendly Admin at Devart [chix0r] . I expect it'll be handled appropriately...
Cannot be emphasized enough.
RoodVargas, thank you for your loyalty to WC/SD, but any public airing of such links only makes a lot more work for Jafo, I.D. or any admin/Mod who then must go in and remove those links.
While I share your outrage at the theft of SD's software, the same logic regarding commenting on "Spam" threads holds true on this topic as well, only more so.
Any commenting/publishing only serves to keep those links on the front page and in the public eye, potentially helping the thieves.
OK.... The link´s been removed, so I have no idea what you´re talkin about
Its gone. There's a 404 at the end of it.
I missed it again but there is no neeed for me to have ever saw it. I know what goes on over there.
Offending person has been expunged.
Thanks again, $chix0r ....
Awwwwwwww gee, I missed it all! Oh well, back to designing!
It's been removed, I received this report this morning after reporting it last night (wish they'd be this fast in removing the malware rainmeter skins!)...
This is an automated message concerning a deviation which you previously reported, entitled Windowblinds 7 by Enzee. A member of staff has reviewed your report and the deviation has been removedThank you for your report.-- deviantART Staff
I am hoping the Youtube videos where reported too? There are a lot of videos showing how to crack sd softwares.!
I didnt get a chance to PM anyone since I was on the go, I was using my phones broswer and it was just hard to do much. All I could do was just posted it. I know SD can always remove my post. I just wanted it to be heard
No dramas.....thanks for the heads-up all the same...
Jafo - They took down the one for windowblinds but missed the one for cursorfx and iconpackager. I am PM you the link.