Windowblinds Skins, Icon, WindowFxs

 I am having a uninstall issue with WB 7 on my PC. I have removed impulse and have used the store downloads. I ran into an issue only with wb7. I cannot remove it from my PC, I get " Could not Open Install. Log file." I have included a screen capture to show you my issue to see if anyone can give me a clue of what is wrong with my install.  Also here is my Stardock Support Ticket# QIS-357514

Your computer has a Windows Experience Index base score of 5.9
Your Windows Graphics Experience score is 6.8

WindowBlinds version : WindowBlinds 7.3 (build 310 - Windows 7 Edition) - 64 bit OS

WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC
WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC
(Generic PnP Monitor) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce GTS 360M

Wblind.dll     2011/10/17 11:18:20
Wblind64.dll     2011/10/17 11:18:48
Wbsrv.dll     2011/09/26 15:10:56
SevenConfig.exe     2011/10/13 17:33:52
Wbload.exe     2010/10/20 16:08:35
Wbhelp.dll     2011/10/04 10:01:37
Tray.dll          2009/10/23 20:12:19
Wbload.dll          2010/06/07 15:59:25
Screen.exe     2010/06/07 15:59:43

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 27, 2011

okay I did check and it seems like deault settings. I could be wrong. I haven't messed with permissions. I did my virus scanner and my PC is clean, I did do the SFC /scannow and my files are okay. The only odd thing I found is that IE9 thinks that wb7.exe is not s trsusted installer and gave me a warning. What do you think?


on Oct 27, 2011

Right-click on the folder, properties, security tab?
(I'm on  a linux box right now or I'd post a screen shot.  )


I have ubuntu downloaded on my other PC and thinking about doing a dual boot. But I am a newbie to Linux so not sure what to do there lol!

on Oct 27, 2011

Forget it if you plan on an OEM W8 box.

on Oct 27, 2011

LOL I read about th locked boot in Win8. That really is a bad move. I am sure people will find a work around.

on Nov 01, 2011

Okay I am very unhappy with Stardock Support. I have finally recived a response back almost a week later just to say that since they haven't heard back from me my ticket has been marked closed? Really? I have checked my email's spam folder and this is the only email I have gotten from them. This is frustration, disappointing. How can I believe in their products if they offer extremely poor support to back them up.

on Nov 01, 2011

RoodVargas .... comments #11, 13, and 15 on this thread are directly from Stardock Support.

If they haven't heard back from you then it's possible the ether has swallowed up an email somewhere.  Support was [recently] having troubles with lost communications.  I'd suggest if your issue is as yet unresolved you open a new ticket.

on Nov 13, 2011

Sorry, been busy work and traveling. I was sent a link from stardock with an app to uninstall it and it worked. I am fixed now. Set this thread to solved

on Oct 09, 2012

revived by spam

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